Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Tips for Diet in Obesity

Dietary control has a significant role in the management of obesity. There are various diet plans such as low-fat or low-carbohydrate diets.
  • Every low-calorie diet helps cut body weight and fat in obese people, regardless of dietary composition. However, short-term weight reduction is faster with low-carbohydrate diets. It is due to loss of body water, which is regained following end of the diet plan.
  • Very low-carbohydrate diets may be nutritionally insufficient. They may cause nutritional deficiencies. Very low-fat diets are usually deficient in zinc and some vitamins like B12 and E.
  • Low-fat diets lower blood triglycerides, LDL, and raise blood HDL level. Low-carbohydrate diets decrease blood triglycerides as well as HDL levels. They do not change blood LDL level.
  • If you consume low-carbohydrate diets for a long period, you may get some health issues such as increased risk of renal stones, osteoporosis, and atherosclerosis. These are because of high trans fat, saturated fat, and cholesterol and the lack of fruits, whole grains, and vegetables in your diet.
  • Low-energy-density- diet plans are usually bulky, rich in complex carbohydrates, and fibre. Therefore, they help produce early satiety, limiting the amount of your diet. However, they are generally less palatable compared to the high-energy-dense-diets. It may affect your long-term compliance.
  • The Mediterranean and low-carbohydrate diet plans are as efficient as a low-fat diet for weight reduction.
  • Solid foods help make early satiety compared to liquid diets such as soft drinks.
  • Your diet plan should consist of a sufficient amount of protein (more than 50 g a day). Dietary protein produces early satiety than fat and carbohydrate. Protein contains an amino acid called leucine, which help keep up your muscle mass and raise the activity of Insulin hormone. Insulin promotes your muscles to use more glucose and burn calories. Leucine also induces the activity of leptin hormone, which reduces your appetite. Dietary proteins are linked with elevated thermogenesis in your body. This process helps increase the energy expenditure and satiety further.

Related Links:

What Is Obesity?
Complications of Obesity
Obesity and Dietary Control
Pharmacological Management of Obesity
Medications for Obesity
Weight-loss Surgery for Obesity
Obesity in Children 
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Dr. Nalaka Priyantha
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Dr. Nalaka Priyantha is the founder and author of 'DRN Health World'. He currently works at the Ministry of Health, Sri Lanka as a senior medical officer. He is blogging about healthy living since 2012.Read More About Dr. Nalaka...