Saturday, January 19, 2013

Dementia: What Goes on When a Person Is First Diagnosed - Part 1

If a patient is first diagnosed with possible dementia, the doctor will ask the patient if he or she wishes to know the diagnosis. The patient can decide that which carers or relatives should be informed. Finding out a person has dementia can be really disconcerting for the person as well as the family. The doctor will explain about the condition and provide the patient further assistance and advice. If the patient has had any psychological problems or physical illnesses, the doctor will help solve them as well. Therefore, he or she will offer treatment and help, if the patient has other long-term (chronic) conditions such as hypertension, diabetes, high blood cholesterol, obesity, smoking, and drinking a lot of alcohol.


Health-care professionals will take care of the patient with respect all the time. They won't exclude the patient from any services because he or she has dementia, because of intellectual problems, and age. The patient should be able to use any support services.

Information and decisions

Health-care team has a responsibility to inform the patient about the management. They should allow the patient and closed relatives to make decisions about care. The patient, family, and carers should be given written details about the condition in preferred language and a format, which they can understand. Health-care team will provide psychological treatment in patient's preferred language. They should offer information regarding the benefits and risks of certain treatments. The patient can ask any questions and always change decisions on the management plan.


Health-care team will respect the patient's preferences for the management of dementia. They will provide appropriate care according to the patient's choices wherever possible and seek the agreement about care. The patient should be explained properly the treatment options available. If the patient no longer be able to make decisions and communicate, health-care team will follow the advice set out in the guidelines. The patient can write instructions with the help of health-care professionals, family, and carers saying what treatment options and help he or she need and does not need in the future.

Related Links:

What Is Dementia?
DRN Signature

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Dr. Nalaka Priyantha
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Dr. Nalaka Priyantha is the founder and author of 'DRN Health World'. He currently works at the Ministry of Health, Sri Lanka as a senior medical officer. He is blogging about healthy living since 2012.Read More About Dr. Nalaka...