Friday, November 8, 2013

4 Facts for a Long Life

Everyone needs and expects a long healthy life. However, most modern people have some kind of health-related problems, some of which may lower the life expectancy as well as the quality of life. Certain lifestyle modifications and simple measures can improve your health significantly hence the quality of life.

Physical activities

Inactivity is one of the critical problems in the modern society. Most people are unable to participate in adequate physical activities or exercise due to their busy lives. Physical inactivity can lead to various diseases and health-related problems. It reduces the muscle mass and triggers your aging process. Reduced muscle mass lowers the metabolism in your body hence increases the risk of developing diabetes mellitus, obesity, hypertension, high blood cholesterol, stroke, and heart attack. It can also reduce the efficiency of your activities.

How can you improve your physical activities? Try to begin with simple methods like walking or gardening. Other possible options are jogging, bicycling, running, and swimming. Physical activities and exercises basically help improve your movements and muscle mass gradually hence the metabolism within the body. Therefore, they can lower the risk of hypertension, diabetes, stroke, heart attack, high blood cholesterol, and obesity. Adequate physical activities also help you control your blood sugar, blood pressure, and cholesterol levels. They gradually improve the health and strength of your cardiovascular, respiratory, musculoskeletal, and other organ systems. Thereby, they help enhance your fitness and quality of life. It is better you to engage in moderate intensity physical activities for at least 30 minutes per day, because it can help you live long.


Normally, an adult needs 6-8-hour sleep daily. Why is sleep so important? A good-quality sleep improves your memory, mood, performance, immunity, as well as concentration. It also reduces the anxiety, stress, irritability, and depression hence enhances your mental health. Some tissue damages usually occur within your body daily during the day to day activities. These damages are normally repaired during sleep. A good sleep also decreases the risk of arthritis, diabetes, stroke, heart attack, high blood pressure, and premature aging.

Healthy diet

Most dietary habits in the modern society are not healthy. Snacks, fast foods, processed foods, and diets with low fruits, vegetables, and proteins can destroy your dream of long life. They contain more simple sugars, carbohydrates, salt, and cholesterol and other bad fats. They are also deficient in essential vitamins, dietary fibres, and minerals. Therefore, your diet should consist of adequate amounts of complex carbohydrates, fats, proteins, fruits, and vegetables. Fruits and vegetables help you lower the risk of long-term diseases and keep up your healthy body weight. Thereby, a balanced diet enhances the quality of life hence the life expectancy. Fruits and vegetables contain most essential nutrients like vitamins and minerals. They also consist of antioxidants, which prevent cell damage. A balanced diet can improve your immunity and prevent some diseases too. If you are dreaming of a healthy life, you should have a healthy diet with more protein, fruits, and vegetables. It is better you to select fresh and colourful fruits and vegetables.


Usually, our lives are complex. This complexity occurs due to a poorly organised life with bad habits. Therefore, we are more prone to develop excessive stress. We need some amount of stress for the success of our life. However, excess stress can lower the quality of life significantly, because it increases the risk of some chronic (long-term) diseases and decreases your performance too. Learn to manage your stress. Organising your working area and home may help relieve your stress.

You should set realistic goals according to your ability. Initially, recognise your abilities. Study your target and tasks. Plan simply your work to achieve the target. However, it is better you to avoid or minimise multi-tasking, because it may reduce the quality of each task and may increase the failure rate. You should engage with your task in mind and enjoy it. Always be positive and don’t give up. Do not try to change things, which cannot be changed in your life.

Be honest and polite. You should be with your best friends. They help share feelings and ideas. Do your hobbies as well. Rest adequately. Don’t spend your money beyond the limit. Know your capacity.

Sometimes, you may have certain problems, which cannot be worked out yourself. Then, it is better you to tell or ask from experts, relatives, friend, or someone who closed. Don’t waste your time worrying about the faults. You should learn from them, because they usually teach you to do your task correctly. Help other people. Then, others will help you to achieve your targets. Listen to others and gather some good points. Avoid jealousy and try to learn from other’s achievements.

Avoid bad unhealthy habits like smoking, overeating, and consuming excess alcohol.

Related Links:

How Does Stress Kill People?
How to Manage Your Stress?
Healthy Life with Vegetables
Benefits of Good Sleep
How to stay healthy?
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Dr. Nalaka Priyantha
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Dr. Nalaka Priyantha is the founder and author of 'DRN Health World'. He currently works at the Ministry of Health, Sri Lanka as a senior medical officer. He is blogging about healthy living since 2012.Read More About Dr. Nalaka...